26 May, 2011

Lake District, Penines Mountain, Newcastle upon Tyne - Day 3,4 of May 20,21

Woke up early and prepared to continue towards Newcastle. The drive to Newcastle is 150km. We tour the Lake District area. There are many beautiful lakes around this place. Lake Windemere is the most popular tourist destination with lots of lakes activities such as boat ride & kayaking.
We stop over at Lake Windermere to take some photo shots of the place.

From Lake Windemere, we took the Kirkstone Pass to get to Lake Ullswater.

Kirkstone Pass, lake District

Thereon, from Penrith, we drove the mountain road A686 via Alston & Hexham to Newcastle taking a scenic view of the North Pennines throughout the journey.

Penines - Mountain Peak from Lake District to Newcastle
Reached Newcastle at 4pm. Drove to Wingrove Garden to see the house where we lived in 1992/93. Also went to Newcastle General Hospital at Westgate Road to show Hazim the place where he was born.

1992 photo taken at Newcastle General Hospital
Newcastle General Hospital where Hazim was born
House we used to live in 1992/93
 Stopped over at Restaurant Nusantara at Leazes Place close to Newcastle University. This is the university I went to in 1992/1993. The restaurant is operated by 3 husbands whose wives are doing their Phd. We ordered 4 plates of nasi ayam and teh tarik and karipap  which cost us 20 pounds ie RM100 for dinner.

Nasik Ayam served in Portmerion plate
Nasi lemak with the newspaper
We had to tapau the chicken cos’ the dish served is meant for 6 people based on British standard.
Later, we wandered around the shopping area where the wife used to shop during our stay almost 20 years ago. There are many new shopping outlets with branded names. Even the university has new blocks of building.
We checked into Hotel Premier at Cramlington, 15 minutes away from the town center.
Cooked some rice and had them with chicken we tapau'ed' from the restaurant and kicap Habhal we brought from Malaysia. Also served with some rending that we brought along.

Next Day 5